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They say that moms can do it all, and one Kentucky mom definitely proved that. Heather Skaats, 34, delivered her own baby on the side of the road while her kids waited in the car, reported Yahoo! News.
Skaats explained to TODAY Parents, "I was having light contractions before we left, so I figured I had time to run an errand."
Skatts said that her official due date wasn't for another three weeks and she labored for hours with her past children. "I thought I wouldn't have a baby in my arms until eight or ten hours later," she said.
Skaat's contractions started getting more intense and closer together, indicating she was indeed in labor. That's when she started driving faster, hoping to have the home water birth that she imagined. But there wasn't time.
She said, "I pulled over- assured the kids that everything was OK- and then I grabbed my phone and got out of the van." She got into a squat position outside of the car and her water broke.
She said, "I didn't even have to push. It was so quick. I was on the phone with my husband, Nick, and 20 seconds later, I was like, 'He's here!'"
Skaats said that her new baby boy began crying immediately and opened his eyes. She said, "I think having home births in the past sort of taught me to trust my body. Knowing the process really helped."