KD Bought a house!!

Schmitt Furniture to the RESCUE! 

I recently bought a new home and am in DESPERATE need of an interior designer (or someone who knows how to make things pretty because Lord knows I suck at it!) 

I called my friends over at Schmitt and asked if I could borrow Kelly! The home styling GURU! She comes to your home, helps you find a theme and runs with it! THEN the fun begins! You get to pick out furniture that matches the theme of the home. (Which wasn't nearly as hard as I thought it was going to be!) There are SO. MANY. OPTIONS! It's impossible to leave empty handed from Schmitt! My new home has INSANELY tall ceilings, I had no clue what to put on the walls. But, of course! Schmitt had a room for that! There's almost an entire floor just dedicated to artwork to hang in your home! 

I have a nice backyard for entertaining that Basil Hayden is going to LOVE and windows that are as tall as the ceilings that Binx will spend all day in! 

I CANNOT WAIT TO SHOW YOU THE FINISHED PRODUCT! I'm set to close on my BIRTHDAY! ( what better time to close than on your birthday?!) 

P.S. If you're in need of a realtor, Tiffany from United Real Estate is my HERO! She answers her phone LITERALLY every single time I needed her, let me drag her to 17 different houses in one day before making any decisions and made me feel like a human instead of a potential dollar sign. She took time to actually get to know me and is truly someone that I call a friend first, then a realtor. She is AMAZING! 

Stay tuned!

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