Participants of Kentucky Oaks Survivors Parade

When I was 15, my parents sat my sister and I down at the kitchen table because they had some bad news that they needed to tell us. They struggled to find their words for a good ten minutes while my sister and I stared blankly at them. I've never been more afraid of something in my entire life. My mom said she had cancer and my mind immediately raced to "she's going to die." My mom is my best friend, my hero. Heroes don't get sick. ESPECIALLY when your hero is Super Woman. I couldn't lose her. It just couldn't happen. 

Thanks to early detection, a total hysterectomy and the absolutely incredible team at Norton Hospital. My Momma is now 10 years cancer free! 

Every year hundreds of women are nominated to march in the Kentucky Oaks Survivors parade. The Survivors Parade celebrates the incredibly brave women who have won their fight against breast and ovarian cancer. This years participants have finally been announced! 

Over $15,000 was raised from donations made on behalf of the nominees! This money will go towards early detection and prevention in the fight against breast and ovarian cancers. 

To these incredible human beings; My mom is my Super Hero because of how strong she is. To all of you battling this horrific disease, you got this! You're my Super Woman!

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